All hosting accounts on the SiteGround servers come with pre-installed phpMyAdmin software. The application can be opened from cPanel -> phpMyAdmin tool.
However, you may need to install phpMyAdmin manually. The easiest way is to install the application from the Softaculous tool in cPanel. Alternatively, you can perform the installation manually.
Manual PhpMyAdmin Installation
To install phpMyAdmin manually, you must first download the latest version of the software from the official project download page. Then, upload the downloaded archive on your account via FTP in the public_html folder.
Once the package is uploaded on your account, you must extract it, which will result in a new folder named phpMyAdmin-X.X.X where X.X.X is the version of the software you downloaded. If you want, you can rename that folder to phpmyadmin, so that you can access the application later with
Next step is to access the folder which you created with your browser. If you have renamed the folder to phpmyadmin, then the URL should be This will open the phpMyAdmin login page.
To use the software you should input a valid MySQL username and password and click the Go button. You can also use your cPanel username and password, which will allow you to manage all of the databases on your hosting account.